Itchy Bonez

A collection of semi-coherent posts on the stuff I care about

I Have Itchy Bones

27th February 2024

For a long time I have been trying to put a name to the uneasy sensation I have been feeling.

Have you ever felt that something was wrong but couldn't explain what it was? Maybe you listed out all the things that were bothering you but none of them quite explained what you were feeling? Maybe you were finding the stuff you used to do to make yourself happy wasn't working like it used to?

Well that's where I am and the itch I cannot scratch, the itch that seems to come from deep inside, in my very bones, is the need to openly say the things I can only say to myself or to a very select few people. The kind of things I'm not brave enough to say in person.

And that is the purpose of this page - to say the things I'm not brave enough to say because I have to say them.



27th February 2024

This my place for expressing my views and opinions on whatever subjects take my fancy. You might disagree with them and you might even find them offensive. You always have the option to stop reading and go somewhere else.

I don't care if you think I'm wrong and I don't care if you're offended. You might feel the need to tell me exactly how wrong and/or offensive I am. If you want to mail me about something, good or bad, go right ahead but I make no promises. I might read it. I might not. I might respond. I might not.